At Club Pilates, our brand values provide a foundation for our engagement with our members and our communities around the globe.
Empowerment & Enhancement
Club Pilates empowers our members to make positive changes to their health and to their lives.
Inclusion & Community
Club Pilates provides a welcoming, safe and supportive space so that everybody can experience the benefits of Pilates.
Quality & Consistency
Every Club Pilates studio offers the same superior experience with the same level of expertise and instruction - all at an unexpected value.
Empowerment & Enhancement
Club Pilates will continue to evolve to lead the way for our members and for the fitness industry as a whole. Every day we demonstrate how accessible Pilates is for everybody.
Knowledge & Integrity
Club Pilates instructors have more trained hours across more Pilates disciplines than the industry standard, to fully deliver on our promises to our members.